During this time of transition also comes transformation. Hopefully the physical me will transform and I will lose this weight once and for all, but this transformation is not about that. It's about the intellectual me.
I am enrolled at Owens Community College. This is my first venture into higher education and I don't really have a clue what I want to be when I grow up. If I were smart, I would have gone to college back when I was young, single, childless and living at home. I was stupid then, and thought I could make it without school. And honestly, I didn't do too bad. When I was recently separated from my employer, I was making just over $43k. I know some college degree'd people who don't make this. I also know it took over 20 years of doing administrative things I really dislike to get to that point. I did enjoy managing people, I was good at that. I did enjoy rallying the office to participate in office functions, parties, etc., I was good at that too, and it was fun. I loved working in a marketing department and working on print ads, newsletters, website design, brochures, television ads and the like. I hated answering phones, filing, answering to people who's best quality were their clothes or those who liked to belittle to make themselves feel successful. Screw them. I am not a babysitter anymore. I cannot do it any longer.
So, here I am. Who the hell am I? What do I want to be? How does an almost 42 year old figure that out. And if it's something I truly want to do...is it an employable field? I have taken several career assessment tests over the years, and they have all said the same thing: Marketing/Public Relations.
I know this is an area I love. An area I feel comfortable and confident in. I honestly hope this is an "in demand career" for the future because I honestly can't see myself doing anything else.
I also want to learn Chinese.
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