Friday, January 20, 2012

Not a dog person

I've never been a dog person.  I still wouldn't consider myself one.  I mean, I really do not like other people's dogs...much like I do not like their children.  There are a select few in each category that I tolerate like.

This dog, though, I love.  He's hyper, crazy, flatulent, stinky, and sheddy.  He likes to wrestle with my child, even when it's not wrestling time.  He also likes to hump my child.  He still jumps on all of us.  He loves to chew things.  Drives the cats ape shit.  Barks at food on the counter.  Barks at nothing.  And completely loses his mind when someone comes to the door.  But, my god, I love him.  

Nearly every day over the past 3 weeks, I have brought Blue along to pick the boy up from school.  Blue is SO excited to see his boy.  He wiggles and jiggles and whines the whole time we are in the car line.  Once he eyes his boy...he is nearly jumping out of his skin with excitement.  

I never understood why people took their dogs places.  And I still don't understand why I am doing it.  He's supposed to be a watch dog.  He is supposed to be home, preventing would-be-robbers from, er, robbing us (again!).   And here I am, taking him for rides.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Growing Up

I had an appointment today with my College Advisor at 11:00am.  At 12:42 I was finally called in.  I was agitated, but tried not to let it show.  I had been reviewing the impossible and un-user-friendly course catalog online for days and was pretty sure I knew what I wanted to do.  But, I needed help.  I didn't have a clue what to do.

My Advisor was on board with what I wanted to, so we started choosing classes.  I'm only starting with 6 credit hours...I mean, it has been, er, many years since I have been in school.  

I'm super excited.  

I'm incredibly terrified.

But, I think I'm ready to grow up.  It's never too late, right?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Who am I?

During this time of transition also comes transformation.  Hopefully the physical me will transform and I will lose this weight once and for all, but this transformation is not about that.  It's about the intellectual me.

I am enrolled at Owens Community College.  This is my first venture into higher education and I don't really have a clue what I want to be when I grow up.  If I were smart, I would have gone to college back when I was young, single, childless and living at home.  I was stupid then, and thought I could make it without school.  And honestly, I didn't do too bad.  When I was recently separated from my employer, I was making just over $43k.  I know some college degree'd people who don't make this.  I also know it took over 20 years of doing administrative things I really dislike to get to that point.  I did enjoy managing people, I was good at that.  I did enjoy rallying the office to participate in office functions, parties, etc., I was good at that too, and it was fun.   I loved working in a marketing department and working on print ads, newsletters, website design, brochures, television ads and the like.  I hated answering phones, filing, answering to people who's best quality were their clothes or those who liked to belittle to make themselves feel successful.  Screw them.  I am not a babysitter anymore.  I cannot do it any longer.

So, here I am.  Who the hell am I?  What do I want to be?  How does an almost 42 year old figure that out.  And if it's something I truly want to it an employable field?  I have taken several career assessment tests over the years, and they have all said the same thing:  Marketing/Public Relations.

I know this is an area I love.  An area I feel comfortable and confident in.  I honestly hope this is an "in demand career" for the future because I honestly can't see myself doing anything else.

I also want to learn Chinese.



Sunday, January 8, 2012

Layers of Love

I have been an Independent Consultant for Jewel Kade since June 2011.  It was probably the best thing that happened to myself and my family last year.  I adore the jewelry, the style, the company, the parties, and mostly the opportunity.  The opportunity to be part of a very young direct marketing company who is growing faster than any other direct marketing company before.  The time is right, the time is now.  This is my time.  Time to make 2012 rock.  Time to charm the 419.

In Photo:  Open Heart Necklace ($34) and Every Day Love charm ($44) - both part of the exclusive 2012 Valentines collection, Reflection Necklace ($32) and Crystal Shamrock ($38) = charm is exclusive 2012 St. Patrick's Day charm, Antique Mixed Link Necklace [my absolute fave] ($34) and custom photo charm [my boy] (starting at $62).

You can purchase any of these online via my website or you can host a party and earn these goodies at a discount or free, depending on party sales.

Once you see and feel the jewelry in person, you will fall in love.  I promise.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Onward and Upward

Welcome to the first exhilarating post of my new blog:  Charming the 419.

I was recently separated from my full time employer of 8 1/2 years.  I have mixed feelings about this...I'm saddened because I really enjoyed most of the people I worked with, I made a fair paycheck despite not having a degree, I enjoyed most of what I did.  But, I'm also relieved to not work there anymore...I worked for an incredibly brilliant man who was quite possibly the most horrible communicator in the world.  Not a day went by that I didn't feel as if I was losing my mind, going crazy, in need of therapy.  My head spun in circles.  I also managed one of the most exhausting individuals in the 419.  I spent uncountable hours trying to teach her to effectively use a computer and become a vital part of the company, to no avail.

So, here I am, unemployed.  The plan is to collect unemployment and go to school.  I am enrolled at a local College and begin classes in a couple weeks.  I am scared and excited at the same time.

I am also an Independent Consultant for a national jewelry company.  I love this business.

My new mantra is onward an upward.  I will not dwell on the past.  It's full speed ahead for my family and I.

Welcome and I'm glad you are joining me on this journey.